티스토리엔 까먹고 올리진 않았는데.. 아무튼




DFRWS Forensic Challenge

DFRWS Forensic Challenges are open to all participants and are designed to be accessible at multiple skill levels. Some answers will be accessible to participants with basic digital forensic skills, and more advanced elements are included. Examples of prev



랭킹이 공개되지는 않았지만 메일을 통한 문의 결과 3위로 확정


개발 관련 명세 및 소스코드는 https://github.com/philgeun/TapiocaPearlo 를 참고하시고,



Contribute to philgeun/TapiocaPearlo development by creating an account on GitHub.



보고서는 dfrws 공식 깃헙에 올라와있으니 참고해주세요





The DFRWS 2018 challenge (extended into 2019) is the second in a series of challenges dealing with Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is defined generally to include network and Internet connected devic...


' > asdasd' 카테고리의 다른 글

2018 Digital Forensic Challenge 2위  (2) 2018.11.13
아 ㅁㄴㅇㅁㄴㅇ  (2) 2016.05.09
디지털 범인을 찾아라 3회..외 근황  (5) 2015.11.05
독학사  (0) 2015.04.07
갤럭시 기어 S 연락처 매니저  (0) 2015.02.11
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